Open hours: 8.15-4.15 Mon-Fri

Policies and Reports

ABCD School P-12, Kinder

Policies and Reports
At ABCD School, we believe that a clear and transparent approach to policies and practices is essential for fostering a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment for our students. Here you can find key policies that govern our school, along with annual reports highlighting our accomplishments and progress.

Student Behaviour Policy
This policy outlines expected behavior for students both inside and outside the classroom, aiming to cultivate a respectful and productive learning environment.
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IT Use Policy
This policy governs the responsible use of school-provided devices and internet access by students and staff.
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Anti-Bullying Policy
ABCD School is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment where all students feel valued and respected. This policy defines what bullying is, sets out our procedures for addressing incidents, and outlines support available to students and families.
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Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is vital for student success. This policy details our expectations and procedures related to attendance, lateness, and absences.
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Annual Reports