Open hours: 8.15-4.15 Mon-Fri


ABCD School P-12, Kinder

Pathways to Success: Shaping Your Future

At ABCD School, we are committed to providing a range of pathways that cater to the diverse aspirations and interests of our students. Whether your passion lies in academia, the arts, or the workforce, we are here to support you in crafting your unique journey.

Academic Pathways

**Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)** Our comprehensive VCE program provides a rigorous academic foundation and a wide selection of subjects to explore your passions. Our expert teachers provide personalized guidance to help you reach your full potential and prepare for university entry.

**Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)** This practical and skills-based program equips students with the knowledge, skills, and industry connections to excel in their chosen careers. VCAL offers a range of pathways for further study, apprenticeships, or direct entry into the workforce.
We work closely with local businesses and industries to provide relevant, hands-on learning opportunities, preparing you for the demands of the 21st century.

Vocational and Trade Pathways

**Certificate III & IV Courses** ABCD School collaborates with industry leaders to offer specialized courses that provide a head start in specific trades and vocational areas. From early childhood education to information technology, we equip you with the practical skills and industry accreditation needed to kickstart your career.

**Apprenticeships and Traineeships** Explore the exciting world of apprenticeships and traineeships and gain valuable experience in a practical setting. ABCD School facilitates connections with local employers and provides the support you need to thrive in your chosen field.

Future Study Pathways

**University Entry** Through our dedicated careers guidance program, we provide personalized support in navigating the complex world of university admissions. From choosing the right course to applying for scholarships, we're here to empower you with the resources and knowledge to secure your future.

**TAFE & Further Education** ABCD School provides support and guidance for students interested in pursuing vocational studies at TAFE colleges and other specialized educational institutions. We work closely with these institutions to help you explore relevant pathways and achieve your goals.

We understand that the future is bright, but the path can seem uncertain. At ABCD School, our experienced teachers and dedicated career counselors are here to guide you every step of the way, helping you turn your dreams into reality.

Contact us today to learn more about the exciting pathways available to you at ABCD School.